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Diecut Packaging with Digital Printing

Technical premium products need attractive packaging. For example, we develop sturdy diecut packaging or hinged-lid boxes made of corrugated cardboard for precision tools. DIn the end, the design and digital printing on the outside provides the valuable impression of the products inside. In this case, an additional carrying handle was designed at the customer's request.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Printed Diecut Packaging (FEFCO)

We offer sturdy diecut packaging or hinged lid boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to FEFCO standard. This type of packaging is punched from a single workpiece, a sheet of corrugated cardboard, using a diecutting tool. Our diecut boxes are the perfect solutions for shipping. They can be printed on both sides and are particularly suitable for premium products or promotional gifts among many other things.

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